download the series of bookmarks from
A Portrait of Joel in Amelia Park, 2019
sometime in the winter of 2017
work from sometime in the winter of 2017
RTP file for collage in 2018
documentation from development of functioning (construction) site from winter 2017
espero, 2014
images from 2009
invisible cities, 2016
miami, 2018
2016 out takes from geologies of nowhere epoch (g.o.n.e)
“¡Despertemos! ¡Despertemos Humanidad! Ya no hay tiempo. Nuestras conciencias serán sacudidas por el hecho de solo estar contemplando la autodestrucción basada en la depredación capitalista, racista y patriarcal.”
These images were taken at the Austin Carey Forest in fall 2017. The area was purchased by the University of Florida and is part of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). While in this space I kept thinking of the financialization of nature, particularly the histories and politics that lay hidden in the landscape, in the language used by IFAS staff, and the educational materials provided by the University. In ya no hay tiempo, a short experimental video, I aim to parallel/meld/re-mix the historical capitalist patriarchal systems of modern photography//production while looking to people like Berta Caceres. I use the darkroom to highlight the urgency and timeliness of this self-destructive character.
¡Ya no hay tiempo!//There is no time!
“Berta Caceres, from Honduras, and Isidro Baldenegro Lopez, from Mexico’s indigenous Tarahumara people, are both indigenous environmental defenders awarded with the Goldman Environmental Prize (known as the Nobel for environmental defenders) who were found dead in 2016 and 2017, respec- tively. Caceres was defending indigenous communities against the construction of a big hydroelectric dam in Honduras, a project nanced by a Chinese state-owned hydropower company, the World Bank and a Honduran electrical company. Isidro Baldenegro Lopez was ghting against logging companies in the North Mexico’s Sierra Madre mountains. The fight against extractivism is difficult but countries like Bolivia or Ecuador are showing the way in creating laws for the Rights of Mother Earth which integrates human beings, plants,animals, mountains rivers etc. in the same life systems.
-Laura Stoll”